How to Cook Filet Mignon in Cast Iron Skillet?

Mary M. Saucedo

Welcome to my guide on cooking the perfect filet mignon in a cast iron skillet! There’s nothing quite like a juicy and tender steak cooked just right, and with the right technique, you can achieve that restaurant-quality steak at home. In this section, I’ll share my secrets and steps to ensure your filet mignon turns out perfectly every time.

Key Takeaways:

  • Choose a high-quality cut of filet mignon with good marbling and at least 1 inch thickness for the best results in a cast iron skillet.
  • Let the steak come to room temperature for 30 minutes before cooking to ensure even cooking throughout.
  • Season the steak generously with salt and pepper on both sides before searing in the cast iron skillet.

Choosing the Right Cut of Filet Mignon

When it comes to cooking the best filet mignon recipe, choosing the right cut of meat is crucial. Look for the most tender and juicy cuts of filet mignon with even marbling throughout the steak. The thickness of the steak should also be taken into consideration – a steak that is at least 1 inch thick will ensure that your steak remains tender and juicy after cooking.

Before cooking, remove your steak from the fridge and let it come to room temperature for around 30 minutes. This will allow the steak to cook more evenly and avoid overcooking the exterior while the interior remains raw.

Finally, consider buying your steak from a reputable butcher or high-quality grocery store to ensure you are using the best possible cut of meat. With the right cooking techniques for filet mignon and a quality cut of meat, you can achieve a tender filet mignon in cast iron skillet that is sure to impress!

Preparing the Filet Mignon

Now that you have selected the perfect cut of filet mignon, it’s time to prepare it for cooking. Start by seasoning the steak generously with salt and pepper on both sides. This will enhance the flavor of the meat and prepare it for searing.

Next, heat your cast iron skillet over medium-high heat until it is hot. Add a small amount of oil to the skillet and carefully place the seasoned filet mignon in the skillet. Make sure to lay it away from you to avoid any oil splatters or burns. Sear each side for about 2-3 minutes, until a golden brown crust forms.

Tip: For a perfect sear, avoid moving the steak around too much while it’s cooking. Let it sit in the skillet until the crust has formed and then flip it over to sear the other side.

Searing the filet mignon in a cast iron skillet creates a delicious crust on the outside while keeping the inside tender and juicy. The high heat of the skillet helps to caramelize the meat’s natural sugars and enhance its flavor. Once both sides have been seared, it’s time to move on to the next step!

Cooking the Filet Mignon to Perfection

Now that we have seared the filet mignon, it’s time to finish cooking it to perfection. This step is crucial to achieve a tender and juicy steak with a perfect crust.

Firstly, reduce the heat of the cast iron skillet to medium. This will help the steak cook more evenly without burning the crust.

As we cook the steak, we must keep an eye on the internal temperature to achieve your preferred level of doneness. For a medium-rare filet mignon, aim for an internal temperature of 130-135°F (55-57°C). This will result in a pink center and a juicy steak.

If you prefer a medium steak, aim for an internal temperature of 135-145°F (57-63°C). This will result in a slightly pink center with a firmer texture. For a medium-well steak, aim for an internal temperature of 145-155°F (63-68°C). This will result in a mostly cooked-through steak with a slight hint of pink.

Use a meat thermometer to ensure accuracy in measuring the internal temperature. Remember to flip the steak only once during cooking to retain its juices. Cooking the steak for about 4-6 minutes per side should be sufficient, depending on the thickness of the steak and your preferred level of doneness.

By the end of this step, you should be able to achieve a perfect filet mignon in a cast iron skillet, with a delicious crust and a tender and juicy center.

Tips for Success

Here are some tips to ensure your filet mignon in a cast iron skillet turns out perfectly every time:

  • Preheat the cast iron skillet thoroughly to achieve a proper sear
  • Avoid overcrowding the skillet, as this can lead to steaming instead of searing
  • Be mindful of the cooking time and internal temperature to achieve your desired level of doneness

By following these tips and the steps outlined above, you can create a restaurant-quality filet mignon at home any time you want.

Resting and Serving the Filet Mignon

After the filet mignon is cooked to your desired doneness, it’s essential to let it rest for about 5 minutes before serving. This resting period helps the juices redistribute throughout the meat, resulting in a tender and flavorful steak.

When serving, you can enjoy the filet mignon as is, or pair it with your favorite sides. Roasted vegetables or mashed potatoes make a fantastic accompaniment to this dish and can elevate your meal to restaurant-quality status.

Remember, cooking a filet mignon in a cast iron skillet takes practice, but with these tips and a little patience, you can create a delicious filet mignon at home.

Tip: Using a sharp knife, make a shallow cut in the center of the steak to check the internal color. If the color is pink and slightly juicy, the steak is cooked to medium-rare perfection!

Tips for Success

As a professional chef, I’ve learned a few tips and tricks for cooking the perfect filet mignon in a cast iron skillet. These tips will help ensure your steak turns out tender, juicy, and full of flavor every time.

  • Preheat your skillet: Before adding your steak to the cast iron skillet, make sure it’s thoroughly preheated. This will help you achieve a proper sear and prevent the steak from sticking to the pan.
  • Avoid overcrowding: When cooking the filet mignon, make sure to leave enough space between the steaks. Overcrowding the skillet can lead to steaming instead of searing and result in an unevenly cooked steak.
  • Time and temperature: Be mindful of the cooking time and internal temperature to achieve your desired level of doneness. Use a meat thermometer to ensure accuracy and flip the steak only once during cooking to retain its juices.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to cooking the perfect filet mignon in a cast iron skillet. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different seasonings and cooking techniques to find your favorite recipe!

In Summary

Cooking filet mignon in a cast iron skillet is a simple way to achieve a delicious and restaurant-quality steak at home. To prepare the perfect filet mignon, start by choosing a high-quality cut of meat, at least one inch thick, and let it come to room temperature for about 30 minutes before cooking.

Next, season the steak generously with salt and pepper on both sides and sear it in a hot cast iron skillet. After searing, reduce the heat to medium and cook the steak for about 4-6 minutes per side, depending on your desired level of doneness. Use a meat thermometer to ensure the internal temperature of the steak reaches 130-135°F (55-57°C) for medium-rare.

Once cooked, remove the filet mignon from the skillet and let it rest for about 5 minutes to allow the juices to redistribute throughout the meat. Serve the steak as is or with your favorite sides for a complete and satisfying meal.

To ensure success every time, remember to preheat the cast iron skillet thoroughly, avoid overcrowding the skillet, and be mindful of the cooking time and internal temperature. With these tips and tricks, you can enjoy a delicious and juicy filet mignon anytime.

In summary, cooking filet mignon in a cast iron skillet is a simple yet impressive way to elevate your cooking skills. Try this recipe out for your next special occasion or weeknight dinner and impress your guests or loved ones.


Q: How do I choose the right cut of filet mignon?

A: Look for well-marbled steaks with a thickness of at least 1 inch.

Q: Should I let the filet mignon come to room temperature before cooking?

A: Yes, letting the steak come to room temperature for about 30 minutes before cooking ensures even cooking throughout.

Q: How should I season the filet mignon before cooking?

A: Generously season with salt and pepper on both sides to enhance the flavor of the steak.

Q: How long should I sear each side of the filet mignon?

A: Sear each side for about 2-3 minutes, until a golden brown crust forms.

Q: How long should I cook the filet mignon per side?

A: Cook for about 4-6 minutes per side, depending on your preferred level of doneness. Use a meat thermometer to ensure accuracy.

Q: How long should I let the filet mignon rest before serving?

A: Let the steak rest for about 5 minutes to allow the juices to redistribute throughout the meat.

Q: Any tips for cooking filet mignon in a cast iron skillet?

A: Preheat the skillet thoroughly, avoid overcrowding the skillet, and be mindful of cooking time and internal temperature.

Mary M. Saucedo
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