How to Clean the Outside of a Cast Iron Skillet?

Mary M. Saucedo

As someone who loves to cook with cast iron, I know how important it is to keep your skillet in top condition. While it’s easy to focus on the inside of your cast iron skillet, it’s also crucial to regularly clean the outside. Not only will it help maintain the skillet’s appearance, but it will also lengthen its lifespan. In this article, I’ll share some tips and tricks for effectively cleaning the exterior surface of your cast iron skillet.

The outside of a cast iron skillet can accumulate buildup from cooking oils, food residue, and even rust if left untreated. With the right techniques, however, you can achieve a sparkling clean exterior that looks as good as new. So let’s get started!

Key Takeaways

  • Cleaning the outside of a cast iron skillet is just as important as cleaning the inside
  • Buildup from oils, food residue, and rust can accumulate on the skillet’s exterior surface
  • Regular cleaning of the outside of a cast iron skillet can help maintain its appearance and prolong its lifespan

The Best Way to Clean the Outside of a Cast Iron Skillet

As a cast iron skillet owner, I know that cleaning the exterior of the skillet can be just as important as cleaning the interior. Not only does it keep the skillet looking shiny and new, but it also helps to prevent rust and other forms of corrosion. Here are my tried and tested tips for cleaning the outside of a cast iron skillet:

  1. Use hot water and a sponge: The easiest and most straightforward way to clean the outside of the skillet is to use hot water and a sponge. Simply wet the sponge with hot water and gently scrub the surface of the skillet, being sure to rinse the sponge frequently.
  2. Dry thoroughly: After cleaning, be sure to dry the skillet thoroughly. You can use a dish towel or paper towels to remove any excess water.
  3. Avoid soap: While it’s important to clean the exterior of the skillet, it’s best to avoid using soap. Soap can strip the skillet of its protective seasoning and cause it to rust. If your skillet has excess grime or grease buildup, try using a scrub brush or scraper to remove it.

By following these tips and cleaning the outside of your cast iron skillet regularly, you will be able to maintain its condition and ensure that it lasts for many years to come.

Removing Grime from a Cast Iron Skillet’s Exterior

If you have a cast iron skillet that has been neglected for a while, it may have some stubborn grime and buildup on the exterior surface. Don’t worry – with a little elbow grease and the right techniques, you can get your skillet looking like new again!

The first step in removing grime from your cast iron skillet’s exterior is to gather your supplies. You will need a stiff-bristled brush, a mild detergent or soap, a scouring pad, and a clean towel or paper towels.

Once you have gathered your supplies, follow these steps:

  1. Fill a sink or basin with hot water and add a small amount of mild detergent or soap.
  2. Submerge the exterior of the skillet in the soapy water and use a stiff-bristled brush to scrub away any loose grime or debris.
  3. Rinse the skillet under hot running water, making sure to remove all the soap residue
  4. For any remaining grime or buildup, use a scouring pad to gently scrub the affected area. Be careful not to scrub too hard, as this can scratch the surface of the skillet.
  5. Rinse the skillet again under hot running water to remove any debris.
  6. Dry the skillet thoroughly with a clean towel or paper towels.

If the grime is particularly stubborn and won’t come off with these methods, you can try using a small amount of baking soda and water to create a paste. Apply the paste to the affected area and gently scrub with a scouring pad. Rinse the skillet thoroughly with hot water and dry it well with a clean towel or paper towels.

It’s important to note that harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaning tools should be avoided when cleaning the exterior of a cast iron skillet. These can damage the surface of the skillet and affect its overall performance.

With these tips and techniques, you can easily remove grime and buildup from the exterior of your cast iron skillet and keep it looking and performing its best!

Scrubbing Techniques for Cleaning the Exterior of a Cast Iron Skillet

When it comes to cleaning the outside of a cast iron skillet, scrubbing is an essential step. This helps remove any buildup or grime that can accumulate over time. Here are some effective scrubbing techniques for keeping the exterior of your skillet clean and well-maintained:

Using a Scrubber

One of the most popular scrubbing techniques for cleaning the outside of a cast iron skillet is to use a scrubber. This can be a wire brush or scrubber pad, which can help remove any stubborn grime or food particles that may be stuck on the surface. To do this, simply wet the scrubber and work it in circular motions around the skillet, paying extra attention to any tough spots.

However, it’s important to be gentle when using a scrubber, as excessive force can scratch or damage the surface of the skillet. Avoid using any abrasive scrubbers or steel wool, as these can be too harsh and damage your skillet.

Salt Scrub

Another popular scrubbing technique is to use a salt scrub. This involves creating a paste by mixing coarse salt with a small amount of oil, such as vegetable or olive oil. Apply the paste to the exterior of the skillet and scrub gently with a scrubber or cleaning cloth. The salt acts as an abrasive, while the oil helps lift dirt and grime from the surface.

Baking Soda Scrub

For a more natural cleaning solution, try using a baking soda scrub. This involves creating a paste by mixing baking soda with water until it forms a thick paste. Apply the paste to the exterior of the skillet and scrub gently with a scrubber or cleaning cloth. The baking soda helps remove buildup and stains, while also neutralizing any unwanted odors.

Remember to rinse your cast iron skillet thoroughly after scrubbing, and dry it immediately to prevent any rust or damage. With these scrubbing techniques, you can maintain the exterior of your cast iron skillet and keep it looking brand new for years to come.

Cleaning Solutions for the Outside of a Cast Iron Skillet

When it comes to cleaning the outside of a cast iron skillet, using the right cleaning solution is key. Here are some tried and tested options:

Vinegar Solution

A vinegar solution is an effective and natural way to clean the outside of your cast iron skillet. To make the solution, mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray the solution onto the skillet and let it sit for a few minutes. Scrub the skillet with a soft-bristled brush and rinse with water. Dry the skillet thoroughly with a cloth.

Baking Soda Paste

A baking soda paste can also be used to clean the exterior of a cast iron skillet. Mix equal parts water and baking soda to form a paste. Apply the paste onto the skillet and let it sit for at least 15 minutes. Scrub the skillet with a brush and rinse well with water. Dry the skillet thoroughly with a cloth.

Oven Cleaner

If your cast iron skillet is heavily soiled, an oven cleaner can be used as a last resort. Apply the oven cleaner to the exterior of the skillet and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Scrub the skillet with a brush and rinse thoroughly with water. Dry the skillet completely with a cloth. Note that oven cleaner is a harsh chemical, so be sure to use it in a well-ventilated area and wear gloves to protect your hands.

It’s important to note that while these cleaning solutions are effective, they should only be used on the outside of the skillet. Never use them on the cooking surface of your cast iron pan, as they can damage the seasoning and affect the flavor of your food.


So there you have it, folks! Cleaning the outside of a cast iron skillet may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this article, you can keep your trusty skillet looking clean and well-maintained for years to come.

Remember, it’s important to regularly clean the outside of your cast iron skillet to prevent rust and other damage from occurring. A simple combination of warm water and a gentle scrubber will do the trick for day-to-day cleaning, but don’t be afraid to try out some of the more heavy-duty methods for tackling stubborn grime and buildup.

Happy Cooking!

With these cleaning solutions and techniques, your cast iron skillet will be looking better than ever in no time. Happy cooking and happy cleaning!


Q: How often should I clean the outside of my cast iron skillet?

A: It is recommended to clean the outside of your cast iron skillet after each use to maintain its appearance and prevent the buildup of grime.

Q: What cleaning products should I avoid when cleaning the outside of my cast iron skillet?

A: Avoid using harsh abrasives, steel wool, or harsh chemical cleaners as they can damage the seasoning and exterior of your cast iron skillet. Stick to gentle scrub brushes or sponges and mild dish soap.

Q: Can I use oven cleaners to clean the outside of my cast iron skillet?

A: No, oven cleaners should not be used on the outside of a cast iron skillet as they are formulated for a different purpose and can be too harsh for the skillet’s exterior. Stick to using gentle cleaning solutions specifically designed for cast iron.

Q: How can I remove stubborn grime from the outside of my cast iron skillet?

A: For stubborn grime, you can try making a paste using baking soda and water. Apply the paste to the affected areas, let it sit for a few minutes, and then gently scrub with a soft brush or sponge. Rinse and dry thoroughly.

Q: Can I use vinegar to clean the outside of my cast iron skillet?

A: While vinegar can be effective for removing stains and grime, it is not recommended for use on the outside of a cast iron skillet as it can potentially strip away the seasoning. Stick to milder cleaning solutions to preserve the skillet’s seasoning.

Q: Should I season the outside of my cast iron skillet after cleaning?

A: It is not necessary to season the outside of your cast iron skillet after each cleaning. The seasoning primarily needs to be maintained on the cooking surface of the skillet. However, if you notice any areas on the exterior that have become dull or dry, you can apply a thin layer of oil to protect and condition the metal.

Mary M. Saucedo
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